"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated J" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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[Transcription begins]:

Sunday 505

Honey, I’m home now and will mail this so that you’ll get it sooner. I’ll write another letter tonight. Got your telegram or night letter or whatever it was and was so glad to hear from you.

Did you get tight, darling? I hope you enjoyed the train trip, honey, I miss you so.

You can’t imagine how you’ve helped me through the pain of that operation. Whenever I felt slightly sore I’d think about you and the pain would completely vanish. You[r] love & sweetness has done so much, sweetheart, you’ll never know. I don’t know what I’ll ever do without you, honey. You’re so wonderful. I love you so, my darling.

Well, honey, I’d better mail this before it gets book length-novelish.

Please write soon, honey. I adore you. Take care of yourself.

You have all my love,



This is extra.

Honey, I can’t tell you how much you’ve done for me this week. Honestly, honey, you’ve changed my whole outlook on life. You can’t imagine how awful it was to fear marriage & look upon the whole business with discust [sic].

I wish I could thank you enough for what you’ve done for me. I know I’ll never be able to, though. What I formerly looked on with discust & fear & dread, I now know is beautiful & wonderful—Just about the most wonderful thing that will ever happen to me.

It’s so wonderful to have that off my mind. I wanted to marry you so but I dreaded it at the same time. I am so thankful for this week, my darling, because without it I’m positive our marriage would have been a completely unhappy one. My love for you may have been strong enough but I’m certainly glad that things happened this way.

Thank you so much, my darling—I’m the luckiest person in the world to be marrying you. I thank God every night for your love & pray it will always be the same.

Mother will be back any moment but I just had to write this before I forgot. I love you so, my darling. I wish you were here in my arms—kissing the corner of my mouth. I love you.

[Transcription ends]