"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Jan" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:





Dear Mom,

This will have to be very short angel, I have no time what SO ever to write now. The schedule at this place is really terrific. We get up at five thirty and are on the go until ten at night.

We started flying today. We’re on the flight line from seven until two.

My instructor is a swell guy, a 2nd Lt. He reminds me of Ace a lot. Contrary to most of the others, he seems to want to get us through.

It’s going to be plenty tough hon, but I’m going to try my hardest.

We get no leave after Graduation. I guess Dottie has told you that. General Arnold got a bug up his ass, and now it’s no telling how long it will be.

Well honey, I’ve got plenty to do. I have to write an autobiography, an essay, make out a notebook, and a thousand other things.

I love you darling, and I’ll write as often as I possibly can.

I miss you, hon. Give my love to Bob & Nan and all the kids.

I love you and miss you hon, tell Dottie I can’t write tonight.

Your Devoted Son


P. S.—Enclosed is some stuff for my S. B.

[Transcription ends]