"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Jun" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]





Dear Mom,

How are you feeling, honey? Better I hope. You better get well quick angel, I miss your letters.

This weekend was another one of those rousing dull times. I went into town with Ed Conway, one of my roommates. He’s a swell guy, from Cleveland, Ohio. We had a couple of drinks, and saw a cunny movie. I saved money anyhow.

Today I saw “A Guy Named Joe” again, I enjoyed it as much the second time. Man, that makes me really realize that I’ve got to make it, I’ve just got to honey.

As you know I finish Teusday [sic], and then have guard duty that night, oh well! I have open post Friday night, and Saturday and Sunday.

Hoe’s Judy, what’s the matter with her ear? Nothing serious is it? What’s she doing, paying me back for not writing? Ask her to write, I enjoy hearing from her.

You write too darling, when you feel well enough. And get those grapes ripe quick honey. I love you beyond words, my darling, your ever loving son. Judd

P.S. - Enclosed is some stuff for my S.B. (not son-of-a-bitch, either)

[Translation ends]