"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Jul" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:



Dear Mom,

Sunday, the day of rest, sac time all day! Breakfast at eight, a short swim, a short nap before dinner, which was fried chicken, then more sac time. What a life!

Tomorrow I start working, though. I hope it’s clear, as it has been raining all day today. I take my first flight tomorrow, as you know.

If I can solo, it will come between my 10th & 13th hour, as my instructor never solos anyone before the 10th hour. The underclassmen can’t wear wings on their overseas caps ‘til they have soloed, and if they ground loop, they have to set the wings at a 45° angle, and increase it 45° for every ground loop. Also we can’t wear our goggles on our forehead ‘til we solo, we have to hang them around our neck. And if we can’t solo, well that’s just “T. S.”

As my course progressed, I begin to do aerobatics, loops, immelmans, and so forth. I also get six hours in the link trainer. That’s the machine that is used to simulate night, or instrument flight. You’ve probably seen it in the movies, it’s a small squarish contraption on a stand, the course of the simulated flight is recorded electrically.

I’ll be able to go to town next weekend, as I’m only quarantined for ten days here. The town is supposed to be terrific. They’re about 15,000 Wacs about 30 miles from here in boot camp, oh man!

How are you feeling honey? Have you taken those x-rays yet? If not you better do it soon, that’s an order, beautiful!

I love you honey, give my love to all at home.

Goodnight Sweetheart.

Your devoted son


P. S.—Enclosed are my shipping orders from Maxwell for my S. B.

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