"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Aug" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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[Transcription begins]:

Sunday 1330

Dear Mom,

It sure was swell to talk to you yesterday, honey. You sounded so well and close. It took me about five minutes to get the call through. We had a rare time yesterday playing Chawowa, a drinkin’ game. Man what fun. You get a mob together in a bar, and order beer for all. Then you start with one person who says one, the next, two; the next, “Chawowa” because it is a three. And any number either divisible by three or containing a three is Chawowa, not the number. Those who miss have to drink their beer down in a gulp. And after a few misses everybody gets merrily stewed, and you’re just hollering Chawowa, numbers, and most anything. We all got merrily lit. We then invaded the local Restaraunt [sic] and ate it out of house & home. From there to the movies, where we slept, a whole row of us, sound asleep. The picture wass [sic] “The Hitler Gang” and from what I saw of it, it was putrid.

It makes Hitler look like an ignorant fool, which surely he is not, or he couldn’t have conquered half the world.

This morning I got up a[t] nine and went in town for breakfast, and went to church! Which is quite a feat for me.

I fly in the morning this week, so I won’t get too much time in. I’ve got about 45 hours now, gosh I’ve only got 20 more to go, and I’ll be through. I hope I can make it. Out of the fourteen men in my bay, six have washed, that’s about 40%, and it will be 50% before we’re through, probably. They’re dropping like flies.

I think the whole Corps of Cadets is going to close. The Army is closing 11 out of the 16 primary schools September first. Walter Winche[l] said that the Aviation Cadets are in for a surprise in Sept. that’s what he said to the Glider Pilots, O. C. S., and A. T. C. men before those outfits were closed. I don’t think it will affect those on flying status, however.

Well angel, I think I’ll go to town. I love you honey, and think of you always. Give my love to Bob.

Your devoted son


[Transcription ends]