"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Aug" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:



Dear Mom,

This will have to be short and sweet, hon. Plenty to do tonight Inspection tomorrow, piles of homework, and my tail is draggin’ on the floor. Man those acrobatics really tire you out. My arms are so sore from doing snap rolls, and slow rolls I can hardly move. I got in four solid hours today. You asked me about blacking out. Hang [?] I’m getting used to it now. In an Immelman[n], it’s to be expected, you can’t do a good one without at least greying out. In that maneuver you have to dive at 140 and pull up into a half a loop, and then roll out at the top, changing direction 180°. Like this:—

( I should have been an artist) [reference to a hand-drawn diagram of an Immelmann maneuver]

I’ve only got nine more hours of flying left, honey. My 60 hour check will be coming up Monday or Teusday [sic]. Wish me luck.

I love, my dear mom, and still miss you, hon. Give my love to Bob. I’ll write her soon. Goodnight Sweetheart.



[Transcription ends]