"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Jan" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:


Sunday 2100

Dear Mom,

Well honey, another week gone by, 7 more to go. I was supposed to fly today but it rained, so I got two hours of link in. That finished me up on link now, ten hours all told.

We got Open Post yesterday from five until midnight. Tom and I went to the big city, had dinner and returned. I sent you a picture honey, I hope you like it.

This evening I went to see “E[x]periment Perilous” with Hedy Lamarr. It was excellent, you must see it honey, it’s the kind you like. Sort of like Gaslight. George Brent plays the male lead.

Honey, you will be able to come down the Wednsday [sic] before I graduate won’t you? That will be the 7th of March. I want you and Dottie to come down together so both of you can rest up and get settled before the wedding. The Six’s want Dottie to wait and come down later because it will cost more, but I will pay for her rooms and yours to [sic] honey as long as you will come down then. I know Dottie wants to, but maybe she thinks she shouldn’t so talk her into it hon. You both are going to be very worn out after the trip and excitement, so please do ask I ask honey.

Well angel, I have to hit the sack now. I love you Mom, I miss you terribly, and am looking forward to seeing you in March hon, I’m counting the days, 49 of them.

Give my love to my dear sisters and nephews, and all of my love to you. Good night Sweetheart, I love you—

Your devoted Son


[Transcription ends]