"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Jan" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:



Wednsday [sic]


Dear Mom,

Well I’m still working hard, honey.

The weather has been beautiful lately so I’ve been flying regularly. Today I got 3 ½ hours in. took two instrument and one local Cross Country. They were very short, just sort of an orientation. The next one I take with [sic] be at 200’ above the ground. That ought to be terrific. We fly it at 170 m.p.h. to [sic] so we get better control over the ship.

The list of flight officers came out for 44-K. there were 71 out of 180, that’s about 38% more than one out of three. We’re all sweating it out, but it really doesn’t make much difference to me as long as I get through.

One of the fellows in my group (we have five to an instructor here) washed out today. He just couldn’t land the AT-6. Gosh it must be awful to go after coming this far. The poor kid’s broken hearted.

I’m doing O.K. so far. I’ve got 18 ½ hours now, but we’re still way behind time. The weather has been pretty bad over the weekend and Friday. We were supposed to fly Sunday but it rained so I finished off my link.

Bobby told me that the weather at home is pretty lousey [sic]. I’m glad I’m not in it. It must be terrible at Stewart now. I wish I was there though.

I’ve got a lot of work to do honey. So I’ll have to stop now. Give my love to Bob & Nan. They sure are two swell sisters. Tell them I love them and will write soon.

I love you too, angel. More than I ever could tell you.

I’m looking forward and counting the days until March 11th honey. So until then take all my love.

Your devoted son


P. S.– Enclosed are some pictures of the monster.

[Transcription ends]