"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Feb" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:




Dear Mom,

This has been a mad week they’ve been flying the tail off us. I’ve got 30 hours now.

This week was all cross country work. I took my low altitude X-C Teusday [sic] That was really terrific, legal buzzing! I was pulling up for cows. The next one I took was to Tallahassee & Jacksonville, and today I took a short 200 mile one to Butler, Ga.

Teusday [sic] night I was up until 12 o’clock, we had a meeting at Flight Operations asking for volunteers for B-24’s. Well honey, I took it! I never realized what an opportunity it was, this Flight Engineer, I mean. I naturally keep my pilot rating and I get plenty of time as Pilot on B-17’s at Amarillo and B-24’s at Lowry Field, Denver, Colorado, and when I graduate from that school I receive another pair of wings, and another rating, as Observer. That’s the pay off honey, I’ll be a dual rated man, plus having a certificate as Aircraft Mechanic.

I’m waiting to call Dottie now, and I wrote her about it, she can give you all the details, it’s so long to write. I still get plenty of stick time in, that I didn’t know, there was a lot I didn’t know about this job. My training is 6 weeks at Amarillo, Texas, 10 weeks at Denver, and 8 weeks at Maxwell Field where I fly B-29’s and meet my crew. From here I am guaranteed to go overseas immediately, and that’s what I want, I’m getting mighty sick of sitting around training. This is what I’ve been looking for, the Post War Opportunities are inumerable [sic], with a Pilot’s and an Observer’s rating, I’d be a fool if I hadn’t taken it. It’s brand new too, just started. What do you think of it honey?

Did you get my picture O.K. honey? I hope so.

I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling better Mom. Take care of yourself honey.

I saw Steve last weekend and polished off half the Scotch. He’s fine and sends love. He sure is nuts about you honey. I guess Woody doesn’t rate much more, he met someone while he was home I guess. I’m going to try to work it so he can be my best man, but he might not be able to get here on time. I ordered my uniform about three weeks ago. $240 dollars worth, I get a $250 allowance , it’s really sharp. If we wash out we don’t have to pay for them.

I got paid yesterday. I’m going to try to save at least $100 by March if possible so Dottie and I can go somewhere on our honeymoon.

After I graduate I’ll be making $327 a month! That sure is pulling it down. We ought to be able to live O.K. on that eh? I’ll be able to live off the post and everything. Gosh it sure will be swell.

That Cutacura soap is helping my skin some, it’s slowly getting better.

Well honey, give my love to Bobby and Nan, and thank sweet Bobby so much for the candy and cookies, they were swell they lasted about a day, they sure were good. Thank her for me with all my heart. Tell her, and Nan too, I’ll write as soon as possible.

I love you honey, I miss you, too.

Take a thousand kisses and all the love in the world from—

Your devoted Son


[Transcription ends]