"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Feb" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:




Dear Mom,

It’s raining like hell right now, but very hot and sultry. I’ll bet you’d like some of this heat, it must be terribly cold at home right now.

I didn’t do anything this weekend, I only had until nine o’clock Saturday night because we were supposed to fly Sunday. Went to the movies on the post, saw two stinkin’ pictures, I’ve even forgotten what they were. I went last night again though and saw Fred MacMurray and Claudette Colbert in “Practically Yours” it was quite good and very funny. I saw “Experiment Perilous” it was marvelous wasn’t it?

Well honey I finally wrote Uncle Guy. Told him I was going to get married now I’m hopefully awaiting an answer.

I guess Dottie told you I was getting 15 days delay en route in March. We still want to get married down here because it’s so much easier and cheaper, the Six’s will probably blow a gut but that’s T. S. were’re [sic] the ones that are getting married. Gosh the train fare home for us would just about swamp me, and then we’d have to go all the way to Texas, I couldn’t do it, it will be tough enough as it is. And another thing, we’d waste so much time traveling too. How do you feel about it honey? Do you think I should get married at home?

I spoke to the Chaplain about the chapel. He’s a wonderful man, a lot of fun we talked for about an hour and a half like a couple of old ladies. It’s all arranged for two o’clock Sunday afternoon. I think I graduate at ten in the morning.

Honey, what kind of a bouquet should I get Dottie? What did Bobbie have? I’ve never done this before, you’re an old hand at it by now I guess. Gosh it sure is complicated, I can see now what you went through marrying off two daughters.

I spoke to the photographer and that’s all settled, for $15. Money, money, whew!

Well honey, take care of yourself, I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Give my love to everyone and to you honey, I send a heartful and a thousand kisses, always.

Your devoted Son


[Transcription ends]