"Letter Written by Mrs. Ruth S. Clark to William Judson Clark Dated Apr" by Ruth S. Clark


Ruth S. Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:

Tuesday night

Dearest Judd and Dottie:

I have certainly enjoyed your sweet letters and most interesting. Always tell me in detail what you are doing as I love to hear.

It was wonderful talking to you and Dottie Easter Sunday, just like talking to the “angels” you were dear to think of me and I appreciate it very much, could have talked for hours.

Dot was so pleased to have you call her too. Congratulations on your fine score in aerial gunnery, I am very proud of you. Let me know when you go to Texas—you will enjoy the trip, here is hoping you win the contest—you will I know.

I am so glad you and Dottie are together again, I know you both are happy, have you a comfortable room? And are you home every night?

Wednesday night

I could not finish this as it was too late and I was so tired. Your telegram came at noon today hope you received an answer before you left giving you Ace’s address. I will be thinking of you honey often and hope you will see Ace.

Went to Olives today everybody asked about you and wanted to know where you were and how the bride was, wanted to hear about the wedding, etc.

Don’t be too lonely Dottie while Judd is away, you poor kid, another separation—well no one can do anything about it, too bad we can’t.

Nannie and Ken will be here next week for a couple of days, it will be grand to see them. I mailed your stationery yesterday hope you get it O. K.

Ronnie is getting so cute and as fat as a pig you will see a change in him. Ricky is as adorable as ever, is saying sentences now, his hair is cut like a boy’s and is he cute, he was two years old last Thursday, the 29th and can you believe Ronnie is eight months old?

I have never thanked you for the invitation to your graduation, they are stunning, Ace’s are good looking too, he sent me one.

Ace does not know how long he will be at Brooks Field, hopes to get his assignment there and if he is going to be in one Field for a long time Bobby hopes to be with him, I do hope she can. Sorry to waste all this empty space but have absolutely no more news what a hell of a situation.

I love you both and so am anxious to see you sweet kids.

All my love and a dozen kisses.

Ever devotedly




The girls send much love.