"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Apr" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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[Transcription begins]:




Dear Mom,

Well here I am back in the wilds! And am I P.O.’d. They told me at Craig that I had to report here today so I climb in a plane this morning a[nd] fly down, and somebody took the plane back. Then I found out that there was a mistake. I didn’t have to be here until tomorrow. I could have had the whole day with Dottie, too. Boy am I discusted [sic].

I guess I leave for Texas Saturday. There are two other fellows and two instructors going with us and each of us fly a ship.

I thought I’d be leaving today but they’ve got to get the ships all serviced and the guns bore sighted and lined up and you know how long that would take the Army.

The meet is the 10th. I don’t know anything about it except that it’s on Matagorda Island out in the Gulf of Mexico near Corpus Christie.

I hope I’ll be able to stop at Brooks Field. If we leave Saturday I should be able to. It will only take me 4 ½ hours to get there so that will give me plenty of spare time. I should be back in Selma my [sic] the 12th. God I hope so, I miss Dottie so darn much it’s pityful [sic]. We’re very happy honey. And I’m very much in love with her. She’s really a wonderful wife honey. I guess I’m pretty lucky.

Remember you said to me once that you hoped that both of us were sexually mated and so forth. Well we are, thank God. We have a complete and wonderful understanding between each other about sex. We’re in perfect harmony on that matter and I’m so glad because, as you said, that’s 90% of the marraige [sic].

Our room is real nice. It’s just outside of town in a residential district. It’s very clean and bright and the Moseley’s are peaches.

I get a ride to the field every morning with an officer who’s in the T.T.U. also.

I was going to solo the P-40 today but this meet kind of stopped that. So I’m being put back a class and will start my P-40 training again around the 17th. So my leave won’t come until around the 5th of May I guess. It was swell to talk to you Sunday honey. I’m glad to hear that everyone is well. No measles yet I hope!

If my stationery comes send it to me at Lamar Ave. not the field, OK?

I love you angel and miss you too. Give my love to Nan & Bob and everyone. And you take all the love in the world from one who loves you very much.

Your devoted son


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