"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Dec" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:

Moss Haven

Selma, Alabama


Dear Mom,

Merry Christmas! What did you do? Doesn’t seem possible a year ago that we were in Brooklyn. Time sure flies. Remember how we went for the day & stayed & stayed & stayed? We thought of all the fun we had & kept wishing all day that you could have been down here or we up there.

You should see our little tree. We couldn’t get many ornaments & used painted walnuts. What a mess it was. We managed to get paint all over the wall & everything. Then we died some popcorn in red & green ink. Well, the idea was fine but the popcorn didn’t cooperate—It got all soggy & heavy & fell off the strings. We had fun skidding around the room on it, though. We found some light strings but no bulbs.

Mom, that bed jacket is beautiful! I can hardly wait til WJ comes & I can wear it. It will be so pretty & I’ll sure need something like that then. Judd loves his socks and wallet. He’ll write real soon. He’s finishing up his history—On the last unit now. Isn’t that wonderful.

Judd was so sweet. He gave me so many beautiful presents. And as you know an electric mixer and a Presto cooker. I think he’s already told you everything. We are so excited about the Presto cooker. It’s amazing! Foods cook in no time. We can’t believe it. Only takes 8 minutes for potatoes & 1 to 2 minutes for carrots. We’re still a little shy of it. Makes queer noises when it’s letting off steam—It gives everything a delicious flavor too.

Oh, Captain Gault, he was the doctor at the Post said W. J. would arrive on the 13th but now our doctor in town said on the 11th. Confusing. We’re hoping it’s the 11th so that he’ll be our anniversary present. Doesn’t seem possible that he may be here in sixteen day. Gee whiz.

Please write real soon, Mom and we hope you have the Happiest New Year. Thank you again for your lovely gifts. We both miss you & wish we could be home with you & everyone.

Give everyone our love and of course you have most of our love,

Your devoted children,

Dottie & Judd

[Transcription ends]