"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Dec" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:



Dear Mom,

Well here it is almost Christmas, I can hardly believe it! Gosh remember last Christmas, that doesn’t seem a year ago does it.

I’m sorry I’ve been so lousey [sic] about writing honey but with the Christmas rush and History, etc. both of us have been pretty busy.

I’m at work right now in the first free period I’ve had in several days. The weather has been bad down here and consequently everyone flies the link then. I’m getting to like it more everyday. It’s fun teaching this stuff.

We got a tough break here, they closed the Women’s Clinic the first of November. We found an excellent Doctor in Selma however, so don’t worry. The prices are high as hell down here though, it seems that Selma is a medical center and all the Doctors here (there are hundreds) are the best. So we think we picked the best of the best so don’t worry, hon. Dottie has been going regularly and everything is O. K.! It’s a shame that the Clinic had to close but we’ve been watching our pennies and I know everything will be honkey-donkey!

I got your Xmas packages off today. It’s a very small Christmas as I promised, but there’s a lot of thought behind it honey, and we both wish all of you at home the very merriest Christmas you ever had, followed by a very prosperous and Happy New Year!!!!

I hear you had some snow around home, boy I wish I could see it, it never snows down here. However it’s been quite cold here lately, today has been the coldest yet.

I sent in my fourteenth Unit in History this morning, so far they have all come back marked about ninety. Only two more to go! I’ll be glad when this is over. I think I’ll take a radio course when I’m through this one. As Bobbie knows I’m not so good at radio work.

How’s Ace’s photography getting along. What kind of a camera has he got? Some of my equipement [sic] is stored away somewhere. He can use it if he wants to. I guess you know where it is hon.

Thanks for sending us some sheets angel. We haven’t gotten the house yet but we ought to soon. Craig was made a Tactical Field Friday at midnight so there should be an exodus of personnel here in the near future.

I’m so glad to hear the G. D. [F]ullers are out. I wish I’d been there to boot her one in the ass! These scientists are looking for things to test the Atomic Bomb on why don’t they use her? I was worried about what that nut might do to you she’s so damned jealous of you. Don’t ever give her a chance Mom, that dame is a crackpot.

When you see the Van Alen’s again give them my regards, they’re truly wonderful people.

I hope Kenneth’s cold is all better, give him a hand shake from uncle, he’s getting to [sic] old for kissin!

It’s so nice to realize that we’re all together again, how if we were home everything would be perfect.

We send our love to all of you, Nan, Joe, Ken, Ace, Bobbie, Rickey, Ronnie, and to you my sweet Mom. A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from you[r] lovin’ chillin’s—

Dottie & Judd


Love & Kisses from my link trainer.

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