"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated O" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


Dorothy Six
8 Brookside Avenue
Pelham 65, New York

A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn 5 Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field
Newburgh, New York

[Transcription begins]:

Judson dear—

You said that you wanted me to write more often. Well, I’ll try to, anyway right now I’m off to a good start. It’s just about quarter after one and you left about a half hour ago. How’s that? Don’t ask me what took me so long. Dick Tracey, natch.

The pictures we took today should be back by this coming weekend, maybe. I’ve got them all ready to mail and now if I only don’t forget to mail them. Golly. I’m so sleepy it’s pitiful. This won’t be a very long letter because I have to leave soon for Woody’s house. That should be great. I’ll probably sit and yawn in people’s faces all afternoon. I’m sure they’ll enjoy that lots.

Every weekend seems to go so fast now. Golly. The week seems to have gotten a couple of extra days thrown in somewhere just to make it longer. I sure hope this week goes faster than next week did.

Do you have much trouble reading my letters? I just glanced back at what I wrote & Lord, how anyone can ever read it is beyond me. Maybe it’s because I’m so tired that I scribble. Anyway that’s a pretty good excuse.

Did Tom, that’s his name isn’t it?, have a nice time Saturday night? They were lucky to catch us when we were going into the Rodeo. I had forgotten all about the bag.

It’s too bad that you were disappointed in the Rodeo. I liked it a lot. It was so different from anything I had ever seen before. Those poor little calves. I felt so sorry for them when they mooed & had their necks practically broken in half. The way they dug the spurs into the horses really discusted [sic] me. How can people be so cruel to poor animals. No wonder they buck.

This Saturday I’ll go riding, I think. That should really be good. If I get sore it will be awful if we go to that broadcast. We’d have to go some place where there was standing room only. Did Tom get tickets? Do you know what we both forgot to do? Call the Island & see if it’s still open. If it is from now on your name will be mud.

Oh, the battle of the baritones is over. He just said something about the king. Frankie, sings “something or other”—(new song). Maybe he was talking about something else but that’s the station. (The song was “I Could Make You Care.”) Does baritone have two “rr’s.” It looks peculiar. Hope that you don’t have to fly next Saturday. It doesn’t take very long for you to get home does it. Oh, here’s the final score. Frank Sinatra—3,440,672 & Bing—3,400,410 or something like that. He said it so fast & I never could write numbers. (Claude Thornhill is playing “Where or When.”)(Do you like him?)

How did you do in that instrument check? I hope it was real easy & you passed easily. When is your 40 hour check? I hope that isn’t on a Monday, too.

Well, hon, it’s time for me to go over to see Woody. This is a screwy letter but all my letter[s] are crazy. Please write soon & I’ll answer all your letters & write as often as you do, o.k.?

Lots of love,
[Transcription ends]