"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated O" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn 5 Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field
Newburgh, N. Y.

Miss Dorothy Six
8 Brookside Ave.
Pelham, 65
New York

[Transcription begins]:

Teusday [sic]
8 p.m.

Dearest Dottie,

Well hon, I’m safe for another twenty hours. I passed my first phase check yesterday. Next comes a 40 hour check. If it weren’t for those damn checks this would be a swell outfit. When you really stop and figure how those 45 minutes can affect you. They can change your whole life, make you or break you. I’ve got 109 hours logged now. I’m beginning to feel something like a pilot, but it seems to me that the more you fly the more you’ve got to learn.

This week I’m going on my first cross-country. From Stewart to Albany, to Hartford, Conn., the [sic] back to Stewart. They’re a lot of fun, you feel as if you’ve accomplished something after plotting your courses, figuring your headings and E.T.A.’s and then having your destination come right over the horizen [sic] dead ahead. You have no idea how much I love to fly honey. I got the tickets for the Rodeo Sunday, for Saturday night. We can go on into New York from the game.

Tom (not Jack) isn’t sure his girl will come up Saturday, and if she does she’ll probably bring her little brother with her. But he’s going to call her tomorrow night. I’ll call you Thursday and let you know what the story is, and how to get in touch with her. I don’t think much of the idea of you coming up on the train alone.

I’m glad your family likes me, Dottie. I think your folks are swell. I’m sending that carton of Luckies for your father tomorrow. One was all I could get, they’re even getting scarce up here.

I’m also glad you had a good time last weekend. It sure was swell, in spite of the crowds. It’s funny, the time used to pass awfully fast up here, but now it’s slowed down to a snail’s pace. It seems like a year from weekend to weekend lately. What’s that old proverb Shakespeare or somebody used to say? “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Ain’t it the truth. So until next weekend—.

Give my regards to your family.

All my love,
[Transcription ends]