"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated N" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]


Dearest Dottie,

Did you get home O.K, hon? I hope you made the train all right. Gosh I hated for you to leave Sunday night, I wish we could have sat and talked all night.

I’ll be home Wednsday [sic] night, hon, and I have until 9 o’clock Thursday, that means I can catch the 6:35 from New York.

I can see you Wednsday night, but on Thursday I think I’d better stay home with the family for a change.

I wrote Mom this morning (we didn’t fly—fog). I told her that we still felt the same about it. We’re going to get this settled once and for all Wednsday night. I’m going to get Mom in a nice quiet bar and start talkin’. I know she’ll say it’s o.k., especially with a few Old Fashion’s under her belt.

But what about your mother now, honey? Are you sure she still feels the same? Aren’t parents a nuisance? Gosh weren’t they young once?

Honey, I love you so much. You looked terrific Sunday. When I’m with you I just can’t take my eyes off you, darling. When you’re near me I can’t talk or think straight. You’re more powerful than a quart of Haig & Haig, pinch bottle at that!

This will have to be cut short darling, I’ve got a lot of work to do. I’ll count every minute we’re apart until Wednsday night. I miss you so much, gosh it’s awful.

I love you darling, you’ll never know how much. Give my best to your family.

All my love—Judd
[Transcription ends]