"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated N" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]

21st Nov.

Dearest Dottie,

How do you like this G. D. weather? I’m getting mighty sick of sitting around, now. Two days in a row without flying is enough for me.

We’re getting snow up here now, more slush than anything. If it ever freezes we won’t fly this week. It’s sort of hard to land a plane on ice, I hear.

Darling, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow night. It seems too good to be true. Gosh I’ve missed you these past two days, even more than usual. I think of you all the time, how sweet and lovely you are, how happy we’ll be after this thing is over, when we can be together, always. Gosh if only this war could end tomorrow, now, immediately. Well, the harder the struggle, the greater the victory. But I’m not fighting very hard. I feel so helpless and unimportant in this war. That’s one reason why I’ve got to go over, and do what little I can. I’m getting damned sick of sitting around, training & training. It seems so unfair to the others, the ones in the stinking fox holes in Europe, the jungles and bomb rotted islands of the Pacific, the terrible cold of the Aleutians & Russia. Well maybe I won’t have to wait too much longer, and I can go over and win the war, for us.

I called Mom last night. She sounded quite happy. I think she’s beginning to see it our way. I know she will, darling. She’s not really selfish, she just thinks I’m too young, but that will be fixed quick, don’t worry. If God is willing, I’m going to marry you in March (of course, if you’re willing, too).

Steve and I were talking about Gini, and marraige [sic]. He doesn’t want to marry her, not yet anyhow. She’s too childish. He’s counting on her growing up while he’s in the Army, but I’m afraid he’s going to be disappointed. There’s only one thing that can make a childish girl grow up, and that’s a boy. And if I know Gini, there won’t be many boys in her life while Steve is gone.

She sure is a kid though, I even think she believes that the stork brought her. No kiddin’ from what Steve says it sounds pretty pitiful.

Oh, by the way, Steve is coming down Saturday, for a date with Woody. I doubt if we can go to New York, however. He’s got $11 & I have about 12, so we’ll have to take it easy. This money situation is really bad.

I’ll see you Wednsday [sic] darling, tomorrow, that is, it sounds closer that way. Give my best to your family.

I love you darling, with all my heart.

As ever
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