"The Impact of Career and Interpersonal Relationships on Subjective Wel" by Melissa Lomuscio

Document Type


First Faculty Advisor

Ronald Deluga


career; relationships; well-being; self-help, ; books


Bryant University


My thesis explores the concepts of career and interpersonal relationships and their impact on subjective well-being. Career and interpersonal relationships are two of the most time-consuming and important aspects of human life. Given this, they have some of the largest influences on our well-being and levels of happiness. In order to understand how to use these two variables to positively impact our well-being, we must first understand their role in our well-being in general and how they affect it. For this thesis, I explore this relationship through a series of 32 interviews, where interviewees are asked about their career paths and interpersonal relationships and how they impact their well-being. Overall, it is found that the impact of these two variables on subjective well-being depends heavily on the individual's unique set of values, experiences, and perspectives. This thesis includes the creation of a self-help book, The Real Deal: How Career and Relationships Impact You, which presents the research findings in a more mainstream and engaging manner. The self-help book is intended to share these individual experiences and first-hand perspectives to provide insight and advice to others on how they can use their own career and relationships to positively impact their well-being.

Included in

Psychology Commons
