Document Type


First Faculty Advisor

Sukki Yoon

Second Faculty Advisor

Tom Zammarelli


marketing; product placement; power; perspective; automotives


Bryant University

Rights Management



In today's society, automobiles are the most used type of transportation and with that comes vast marketing opportunities for vehicles. However, with the growing popularity of media forms of television and film, marketing techniques such as the use of product placement have also become more common. This paper analyzes the effects of power through point of view in product placement, specifically through automotive advertising. By showing the population movie and television clips both from a driving, 1st-person perspective or an out of car, 3rd-person perspective, after a power priming question, it portrays the relationship between them. Additionally, the data collected was used in order to determine how the previously stated factors will affect attitude towards the brand, purchase intention, and other indicators of strengthening between consumers and their perception of the automobile. A 2-way ANOVA analysis was conducted in order to determine these results after extensive surveying had been conducted.
