The Sky's the Limit - Or is it?

Presenter Information


Unistructure, Room M33

Start Date

15-9-1997 11:45 AM

End Date

15-9-1997 12:30 PM

Document Type



Invisible barriers based on bias have prevented qualified women from obtaining executive positions in corporate America. What does it lake to shatter this "glass ceiling"? Two prominent and successful Rhode Island business women will describe their journey through the looking glass.


FACILITATOR: Laurie Musgrove, Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Bryant College

SPEAKERS: Merrill Sherman, President/CEO BankRI

President and CEO of Bank Rhode Island. A former corporate lawyer and CEO of two New England banks, Ms. Sherman was the driving force behind the creation of Bank Rhode Island. Bank Rhode Island is the second largest de novo bank in American history and the fourth largest bank in the greater Providence metropolitan area. For the first 17 years of her career, Ms. Sherman was with the law firm of Hinkley Allen & Snyder in Providence, working in banking law, finance, and real estate.

Carol Ann Hurley, President/CEO Econotel Business Systems, Inc.

President and CEO of Econotel Business Systems, Inc., one of the fastest growing businesses in Rhode Island. In 1995, EBS received the Rhode Island Minority Business Enterprise award recognizing its success in the telecommunications industry. This year, Ms. Hurley received the YWCA's National Athena award and the Small Business Administration's Women in Business Advocate award.

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Sep 15th, 11:45 AM Sep 15th, 12:30 PM

The Sky's the Limit - Or is it?

Unistructure, Room M33

Invisible barriers based on bias have prevented qualified women from obtaining executive positions in corporate America. What does it lake to shatter this "glass ceiling"? Two prominent and successful Rhode Island business women will describe their journey through the looking glass.