"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Nov" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:



Dear Mom,

Gosh honey, I’m so sorry that I’ve been so lousey [sic] about writing, but I’m trying to get this History finished as soon as possible, I won’t be able to take the course if I’m discharged.

How is everyone at home? How are you, my angel? Those “Grapes” ain’t bothering you anymore are they? How’s Ace doing in his new civilian life? Gosh, I envy him. Oh, before I forget, could you ask him if he’s going to use his shortcoat anymore? I could use one and I’ll buy his if he wants to sell it to me.

As usual there’s no news from here. It’s starting to get cold though.

About 260 men came in from Napier and Ft. Myers the other day so the pool is filled up again. It was down to about 150 men there for a while.

I suppose you wondered about Dottie’s letter telling you we weren’t going to Virginia. Well, we were going, but no we ain’t. I’ll explain:— I was standing in front of Major Folan’s office on the 22nd of October and somebody comes running out wanting someone to go to Virginia. That sounded good to me so I volunteered. It would have been a good deal too. It was an administrative school, I was to be on Temporary Duty ($ 7 a day per diem) for four weeks ($ 200) to take a course to be Information and Education officer at Craig. Dottie wrote you Thursday telling you about it, but in the excitement of packing we forgot to mail it, we found it the other day. Well anyhow we were goin[g to le]ave Saturday, but Friday morning I got a phone call from the field telling me it was all off, the field was closed in Virginia. It was at Lexington, V. M. I. is there so I imagine the school was there. Oh well, everything happens for the best.

Dot called today. Dottie was glad to hear from her. She called you and gave you my message didn’t she?

We had a Hallowe’en dance here Wednesday and it was some brawl. Everybody was stewed to the gills. We had a swell time. We went with three other couples. I wore my civies and Dottie wore a baggy plaid shirt and slacks with a big bow in her hair. She looked as cute as a bug’s ear.

Well I guess I can’t dodge the issue anymore. I guess I’m in the dog house all right. I could have sworn that your birthday was on the 21st. I’m so sorry I made that mistake honey. I hope you had a very very happy birthday and will enjoy many more happier ones. Dottie joins me in that wish also. I’m glad you liked our little belated present, Sweetheart.

We both love you and send everyone at home all our love. We miss you all terribly, gosh I hope we’re home soon.

Take care of your sweet self honey. I love you very much, I really do Mom.

Give Nan, Bob, Ken, Ricky, and Ronnie a kiss for me, I love them all very much.

And you take a thousand kisses from,

Your devoted Son


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