Items listed include publications with journal articles written and edited by Finance Department faculty.


Submissions from 2024


Factor Exposures of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Indexes, Asli Ascioglu and Kemal Saatcioglu


Founder Gender and Firm Exit Routes: The Mediating Roles of Firm Size and VC Financing, Sonal Kumar, R. Isil Yavuz, Leila Zbib, and Peter J. Nigro

Submissions from 2023


Examining the Gender and Minority Test Score Gap on the MFT-B: A Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition Approach, Laura Beaudin, David C. Ketcham, Peter J. Nigro, and Michael A. Roberto


Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities: A Topic Modeling Investigation of Disclosure and Market Reaction, Charles Cullinan, Richard Holowczak, David A. Louton, and Hakan Saraoglu


The Zero-Leverage Policy and Family Firms, Pedram Fardnia, Maher Kooli, and Sonal Kumar


Risk Translation: How Cryptocurrency Impacts Company Risk, Beta and Returns, Jack Field and A. Can Inci


Corporate Holdings in Digital Currencies: Marketing Motivations and Investment Strategies, A. Can Inci and Jack Field


Earthquakes and Market Capitalization: A Historical Perspective Using Panel Data, Andres Ramirez and Nezih Altay


Closing the Gender Gap in the Business Classroom: Focus on Finance, Andres Ramirez and Joan Lofgren


Chalk It Up to Experience: CEO General Ability and Earnings Management, Leila Zbib, Kourosh Amirkhani, and Douglas Fairhurst


The Generalist CEO Pay Premium and CEO Risk Aversion, Leila Zbib and Kwadwo Asare


Does an Accounting Internship Impact CPA Exam Performance?, Xiaochuan Zheng and A. Can Inci

Submissions from 2022


Practical Applications of Analysis of Sustainability Reports for Top 20 Companies in the S&P 500 Index, Asli Ascioglu, Juan Gonzalez, and Leila Zbib


Cost-Aware Generalized α-Investing for Multiple Hypothesis Testing, Thomas Cook, Harsh Vardhan Dubey, Ji Ah Lee, Guangyu Zhu, Tingting Zhao, and Patrick Flaherty


ESG Investing: A Decision-Making Paradox?, Omrane Guedhami, David A. Louton, Hakan Saraoglu, and Ying Zheng


Earnings Management: Are Men from Mars and Women from Venus?, Sonal Kumar and Rahul Ravi


Firm Performance During the Covid-19 Crisis: Does Managerial Ability Matter?, Sonal Kumar and Leila Zbib


War and Money in Ngram Viewer, Robert H. McFadden, William Zywiak, Ronald P. Bobroff, and Gao Niu

Submissions from 2021


COO2 Bhanga Munda Data, Asli Ascioglu and Padma Kadiyala


Mortgage Broker Loan Pricing Leading Up to the Financial Crisis: Were Yield Spread Premiums the Only Problem?, M. Cary Collins, Keith D. Harvey, and Peter J. Nigro


Anatomy of Intraday Volatility at the Chilean Stock Exchange, A. Can Inci, Andres Ramirez, and Hakan Saraoglu


Does Student Performance in Introductory Economics and Business Courses Impact ETS Scores?, Peter J. Nigro, Laura Beaudin, David C. Ketcham, and Michael A. Roberto


Black Swan Years in American English, French, German, Hebrew, and Russian, William Zywiak, Ronald P. Bobroff, and Gao Niu

Submissions from 2020


Using long short-term memory neural networks to analyze SEC 13D filings: a recipe for human and machine interaction, Murat Aydogdu, Hakan Saraoglu, and David A. Louton


Does Social Trust Affect International Contracting? Evidence from Foreign Bond Covenants, Paul Brockman, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, and Ying Zheng


The role of creditor rights on capital structure and product market interactions: International evidence, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, Chuck C Y Kwok, and Ying Zheng


Efficiency of Brent Index and Futures Markets, A. Can Inci


Social Responsibility of a Stock Exchange: corporate governance at Borsa Istanbul, A. Can Inci


The Effect of the Arab Spring on the Performance of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Egypt: Which Model Performs Better Amidst Crisis?, Zar-Tashiya Khan, Andres Ramirez, and David C. Ketcham


Designing Student Projects in Finance: Structure, Technology, and Assessment, Jack W. Trifts and Laura Kohl

Submissions from 2019


From stock selection to multi-asset investment management: The evolution of a student-managed investment fund, Asli Ascioglu and Kevin Maloney


From stock selection to multi-asset investment management: the evolution of a student-managed fund, Asli Ascioglu and Kevin John Maloney


Does Corporate Social Responsibility Reduce the Costs of High Leverage? Evidence from Capital Structure and Product Market Interactions, Kee-Hong Bae, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, Chuck C.Y. Kwok, and Ying Zheng


Collectivism and the Costs of High Leverage, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, Chuck C.Y. Kwok, and Ying Zheng


The Core, Periphery, and Beyond: Stock Market Comovements among EU and Non-EU Countries, Michael A. Goldstein, Joseph McCarthy, and Alexei G. Orlov


Cryptocurrencies: applications and investment opportunities, A. Can Inci and Rachel Lagasse


Simulating Global Strategic Challenges: a teamwork perspective, Joan Lofgren, Elyssebeth Leigh, and Andres Ramirez


Corporate Social Responsibility and Likelihood of Financial Distress, Ying Zheng, Yong Wang, and Crystal Jiang

Submissions from 2018

Integration of ESG metrics into a student-managed fund: Creating sustainable student-managed funds, Asli Ascioglu, Kemal Saatcioglu, and Adam Smith


Testing Market Response to Auditor Change Filings: a comparison of machine learning classifiers, Richard Holowczak, David Louton, and Hakan Saraoglu


Cointegration and Causality in Capital Markets, A. Can Inci


Degree of Integration between Brent Oil Spot and Futures Markets: Intraday Evidence, A. Can Inci and H. Nejat Seyhun


CEO Compensation after Harvester Director Departure, Victor Jarosiewicz

Do persistence and passion matter: Evidence from the educational testing service major field test in business, David C. Ketcham, Peter J. Nigro, and Michael Roberto

Submissions from 2017


Financials Sector Intraday Volatility Characteristics in the Emerging Turkish Economy, A. Can Inci


Student Perceptions and Learning Outcomes: Evidence from the Education Testing Service (ETS) Major Field Test in Business, David C. Ketcham, Peter J. Nigro, and Michael Roberto

Submissions from 2014


Flight to Quality for Large Financial Institutions, A. Can Inci, Hsi Li, and Joseph McCarthy


The Career Paths of Mutual Fund Managers: The Role of Merit, Jack W. Trifts and Gary E. Porter

Submissions from 2013


The Career Paths of Mutual Fund Managers: The Role of Merit, Gary E. Porter and Jack Trifts

Submissions from 2012


The Best Mutual Fund Managers: Testing the Impact of Experience Using a Survivorship Bias Free Dataset, Gary E. Porter and Jack Trifts


The Direct and Indirect Benefits and Costs of AACSB Accreditation, Jack Trifts


Community Connections to Enhance Undergraduate International Business Education: An Example of Business Consulting Projects, Jack W. Trifts and Madan Annavarjula


The Best Mutual Fund Managers: Testing the Impact of Experience using a Survivorship Bias Free Dataset, Jack W. Trifts and Gary E. Porter


Developing International Self-Reliance in Undergraduate Students through Study Trips, Elizabeth Yobaccio, Ramesh Mohan, and Jack Trifts

Submissions from 2011


The Information Revolution and Small Business Lending: The Missing Evidence, Robert DeYoung, W. Frame, Dennis Glennon, and Peter J. Nigro


Evaluating the Performance of Static Versus Dynamic Models of Credit Default: Evidence From Long-Term Small Business Administration-Guaranteed Loans, Dennis Glennon and Peter J. Nigro

Submissions from 2010


Some Evidence On The Secondary Market Trading Of Syndicated Loans, Peter J. Nigro, Jonathan D. Jones, and Murat Aydogdu

Submissions from 2009


Is the Secondary Loan Market Valuable to Borrowers?, João A.C. Santos and Peter J. Nigro

Submissions from 2008


Commercial Lending Distance and Historically Underserved Areas, Robert DeYoung, W. Frame, Dennis Glennon, Daniel P. McMillen, and Peter J. Nigro


Borrower–Lender Distance, Credit Scoring, and Loan Performance: Evidence From Informational-Opaque Small Business Borrowers, Robert DeYoung, Dennis Glennon, and Peter J. Nigro

Submissions from 2007


Impact of Country Financial Development on the Firm: International Evidence, A. Can Inci


US-Swiss Term Structures and Exchange Rate Dynamics, A. Can Inci

Submissions from 2005


An Analysis of SBA Loan Defaults by Maturity Structure, Dennis Glennon and Peter J. Nigro


Measuring the Default Risk of Small Business Loans: A Survival Analysis Approach, Dennis Glennon and Peter J. Nigro


Agent Bank Behavior in Bank Loan Syndications, Jonathan D. Jones, William W. Lang, and Peter J. Nigro

Submissions from 2003


How Do Predatory Lending Laws Influence Mortgage Lending in Urban Areas? A Tale of Two Cities, Keith D. Harvey and Peter J. Nigro


Historical Exchange Rate Risk Premiums in Currency Futures Markets, A. Can Inci

Submissions from 2002


The Influence of Bureau Scores, Customized Scores and Judgmental Review on the Bank Underwriting Decision-Making Process, M. Cary Collins, Keith D. Harvey, and Peter J. Nigro


Applying Risk Management Tools to Fixed-Income Portfolio Management, Kevin J. Maloney

Submissions from 2001


Does mutual fund disclosure at banks matter? Evidence from a survey of investors., Gordon J. Alexander, Jonathan D. Jones, and Peter J. Nigro

Submissions from 2000


Financial Turmoil, Failed Bank Acquisitions, and Bank Business Lending Behavior, Peter J. Nigro and Kevin T. Jacques

Submissions from 1998


Mutual Fund Shareholders: Characteristics, Investor Knowledge, and Sources of Information, Gordon J. Alexander, Jonathan D. Jones, and Peter J. Nigro


The Performance Persistence of Experienced Mutual Fund Managers, Jack W. Trifts and Gary E. Porter

Submissions from 1997


Mutual Fund Investing Through Employer-Sponsored Pension Plans: Investor Knowledge and Policy Implications, Gordon J. Alexander, Jonathan D. Jones, and Peter J. Nigro


Investor Self-Selection: Evidence from a Mutual Fund Survey, Gordon J. Alexander, Peter J. Nigro, and Jonathan D. Jones


Risk-based Capital, Portfolio Risk, and Bank Capital: A Simultaneous Equations Approach, Kevin Jacques and Peter J. Nigro

Submissions from 1995


Failed Bank Acquisitions and Lending Activity, Kevin Jacques and Peter J. Nigro

Submissions from 1993


Capital Budgeting Under Resource Rationing: Explicit Enumeration Using Lotus 1-2-3 as an Alternative to Linear Programming, Jack W. Trifts and Donald R. Plane

Submissions from 1992


Division Management Buyouts of Unrelated Divisions Without a Sales Price Reported, Jack W. Trifts, Neil W. Sicherman, and Rodney L. Roenfeldt

Submissions from 1991


Corporate Takeover Bids, Methods of Payment, and Bidding Firms Stock Returns: The Effects of Leverage, Jack Trifts


Uncertainty During Tender Offers and the Measurement of Shareholder Wealth Effects, Jack W. Trifts, Helen M. Bowers, and Rodney L. Roenfeldt

Submissions from 1990


Divestitures to Unit Managers and Shareholder Wealth, Jack W. Trifts, Rodney L. Roenfeldt, Neil W. Sicherman, and Francisco de Cossio


Divestitures to Unit Managers and Shareholder Wealth, Jack W. Trifts, Neil W. Sicherman, Rodney L. Roenfeldt, and Francisco de Cossio


Divestitures to Unit Managers and Shareholder Wealth, Jack W. Trifts, Neil W. Sicherman, Rodney L. Roenfeldt, and Francisco de Cossio

Submissions from 1989


An Equilibrium Debt Option Pricing Model in Discrete Time, Kevin J. Maloney and Mark J. Byrne


Neglected Complexities in Structured Bond Portfolios, Kevin J. Maloney and Dennis E. Logue


Call-Option Pricing and the Turn of the Year, Kevin J. Maloney and Richard J. Rogalski


The Impacts of Relative Size and Industrial Relatedness, on the Returns to Shareholders of Acquiring Firms, Jack W. Trifts, Richard H. Pettaway, and Kevin P. Scanlon


The Impacts of Relative Size and Industrial Relatedness, on the Returns to Shareholders of Acquiring Firms, Jack W. Trifts, Richard H. Pettaway, and Kevin P. Scanlon

Submissions from 1987


Interstate Bank Mergers: The Early Evidence, Jack Trifts and Kevin P. Scanlon


Interstate Bank Mergers: The Early Evidence, Jack W. Trifts and Kevin P. Scanlon

Submissions from 1986


Interest Rate Risk, Immunization, and Duration, Kevin J. Maloney and Jess B. Yawitz

Submissions from 1985


Simplifying Tax Simplification: An Analysis of its Impact on the Profitability of Capital Investment, Kevin J. Maloney and Thomas I. Selling


Taxes, Default Risk, and Yield Spreads, Kevin J. Maloney, Jess B. Yawitz, and Louis H. Ederington


Do Banks Overbid When Acquiring Failed Banks?, Jack W. Trifts and Richard H. Pettaway


Purchases and Assumption Mergers: Do Banks Overbid?, Jack W. Trifts and Richard H. Pettaway

Submissions from 1983


Evaluating the Decision to Issue Discount Bonds: Term Structure and Tax Effects, Kevin J. Maloney and Jess B. Yawitz


The Term Structure and Callable Bond Yield Spreads, Kevin J. Maloney, Jess B. Yawitz, and William J. Marshall


The Effect of Risk on the Firm's Optimal Capital Stock: a Note, Kevin J. Maloney, Jess B. Yawitz, William J. Marshall, and National Bureau of Economic Research

Submissions from 1981


Business Cycles and the Political Process, Kevin J. Maloney and Michael L. Smirlock