Items listed include publications with journal articles written or edited by Marketing Department faculty.
Manuscripts from 2025
High Hopes, Hard Falls: Consumer Expectations and Reactions to AI-Human Collaboration in Advertising, Yuhosua Ryoo, Marat Bakpayev, Yongwoog Andrew Jeon, Kacy Kim, and Sukki Yoon
Manuscripts from 2024
Price Transparency in International Retailing on Digital Platforms, Kacy Kim, Yuhosua Ryoo, Srdan Zdravkovic, and Sukki Yoon
Manuscripts from 2023
The Impact of Digital Twins on the Evolution of Intelligent Manufacturing and Industry 4.0, Mohsen Attaran, Sharmin Attaran, and Bilge Gokhan Celik
The COVID-19 Threat and Luxury Advertising, Tae Hyun Baek, Jungkeun Kim, Sukki Yoon, Yung Kyun Choi, and Charles R. Taylor
When Push Comes to Shove: How Coach Versus Student Athlete Misconduct Affects Event Attendance Intentions, Laura Boman, Sarah Lefebvre, and Ganga Hewage
Why, Did I Lose? Debriefing Quality and its Effects on Justice, Protests, and Sales Loss Attributions, Timothy G. Hawkins, Mike Wittmann, Michael Gravier, Suman Niranjan, and William A. Muir
Close Your Eyes and Open Your Mind: How Closed Eyes Affect Evaluations of Utilitarian and Hedonic Advertising Appeals, Younghwa Lee, Marat Bakpayev, Sukki Yoon, and Kacy Kim
The Personalization-Privacy Paradox: Examining the Impact of Targeting Disclosures on Consumer Behvior in Online Privacy, Rachel Esther Lim, Yoon Hi Sung, Eun Yeon Kang, and Kacy Kim
Cancel Anytime! How Easy Cancellation Options Enhance Purchase Intentions for Services that Require Long-Term Commitments, Sohyeon Park, Kacy Kim, Seolwoo Park, Yung Kyun Choi, and Sukki Yoon
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Village: The Roles of Global Identity and Construal Level, Yuhosua Ryoo, Kacy Kim, Fareeha Wan, and Sukki Yoon
Manuscripts from 2022
Pride and Gratitude: Egoistic versus Altruistic Appeals in Social Media Advertising, Tae Hyun Baek and Sukki Yoon
Preference for Experiences: Regulatory Focus and the Trade-Offs Between Experiential and Material Purchases, Ganga Hewage and Xin He
Blockchain Impacts on Global Supply Chain Operational and Managerial Business Value Processes, Pedro M. Reyes, Michael J. Gravier, Patrick Jaska, and John K. Visich
The New Norm for Sales Organizations: Impact of Technology During Environmental Turbulence, Michael Rodriguez and Stefanie Boyer
The Mind of the Beholder: Congruence Effects in Luxury Product Placements, Patricia Rossi, Felipe Pantoja, Sukki Yoon, and Kacy Kim
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Future of Advertising, Sukki Yoon
Manuscripts from 2021
Smiling AI Agents: How Anthropomorphism and Broad Smiles increase Charitable Giving, Tae Hyun Baek, Marat Bakpayev, Sukki Yoon, and Seeun Kim
Emojis and Assertive Environmental Messages in Social Media Campaigns, Tae Hyun Baek, Seeun Kim, Sukki Yoon, Yung Kyun Choi, Dongwon Choi, and Hyejin Bang
Message assertiveness and price discount in prosocial advertising: differences between Americans and Koreans, Hyejin Bang, Dongwon Choi, Sukki Yoon, Tae Hyun Baek, and Yeonshin Kim
The importance of timely social media responsiveness, Stefanie Boyer
Predicting bid protests: What should sourcing teams (not) do?, Timothy G. Hawkins, Michael Gravier, and Suman Niranjan
Ethical Dissonance in Environmental Advertising: Moderating Effects of self-benefit Versus other-benefit Appeals, Woojin Kim, Yuhosua Ryoo, Sukki Yoon, and Kacy Kim
Exploring the Chain of Effects Between Local Identity and Expatriate Consumers’ Preference for Local Food Brands, Dario Miocevic, Ruzica Brecic, and Srdan Zdravkovic
Gym Membership Programs: Image Motivation and Conditional Discount Framing, Xiaofei Pan and Sukki Yoon
The impact of COVID-19 on consumer evaluation of authentic advertising messages, Jooyoung Park, Jungkeun Kim, Daniel C. Lee, Seongseop S. Kim, Benjamin G. Voyer, Changju Kim, Billy Sung, Hector Gonzalez-Jimenez, Fernando Fastoso, Yung K. Choi, and Sukki Yoon
Recycle System Design for End-of-Life Electronics in Developing Countries, Pedro M. Reyes, Jianghong Man, Patrick Jaska, John K. Visich, and Michael Gravier
The effects of political ideology and brand familiarity on conspicuous consumption of fashion products, Ganga S. Urumutta Hewage
Expatriate Consumers’ Adaptations and Food Brand Choices, Srdan Zdravkovic
Manuscripts from 2020
Digital Transformation and Economic Contributions of 5G Networks, Mohsen Attaran and Sharmin Attaran
Food Printing: Evolving Technologies, Challenges, Opportunities, and Best adoption Strategies, Sharmin Attaran and Mohsen Attaran
Looking forward, looking back: The impact of goal progress and time urgency on consumer responses to mobile reward apps, Tae Hyun Baek and Sukki Yoon
Death Imagery in Antipoaching Advertising, Tae Hyun Baek and Sukki Yoon
Looking forward, looking back: The impact of goal progress and time urgency on consumer responses to mobile reward apps, Tae Hyun Baek and Sukki Yoon
Programmatic creative: AI can think but it cannot feel, Marat Bakpayev, Tae Hyun Baek, Patrick van Esch, and Sukki Yoon
Empirical Investigations of the Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Grit on Salesperson Turnover for Generation Z, Stefanie Boyer, David E. Fleming, Michael Rodriguez, and Scott R. Cohen
Getting Ready for the Future, Michael Gravier
Supply Chain Management is Strategy, Michael Gravier
Supply Chain Workers Save the Day, Michael Gravier
The Great Simplification, Michael Gravier
The Power of Incentives in Post-Coronavirus Supply Chains, Michael Gravier
The Sidelines Are the Frontlines, Michael Gravier
The role of supplier performance evaluations in mitigating risk: assessing evaluation processes and behaviors, Timothy G. Hawkins, Michael J. Gravier, and William A. Muir
Color Effects in Green Advertising, Dongjae Jay Lim, Tae Hyun Baek, Sukki Yoon, and Yeonshin Kim
The Effect of 360-degree Rotatable Product Images on Purchase Intention, Seeun Kim, Tae Hyun Baek, and Sukki Yoon
Temporal and social scarcities: effects on ad evaluations, Sujin Kim, Sukki Yoon, Tae Hyun Baek, Yeonshin Kim, and Yung Kyun Choi
Acculturation of Expatriate Consumers: Conditional Effects of Mental Attachments to Home Country, Dario Miocevic and Srdan Zdravkovic
Expatriate Consumers’ Adaptations and Food Brand Choices: A Compensatory Control Perspective, Dario Miocevic and Srdan Zdravkovic
Class waivers to the non-manufacturer rule: effects on small business utilization in public procurement, William A. Muir, Michael J. Gravier, and Timothy G. Hawkins
The impact of mobile customer relationship management (mCRM) on sales collaboration and sales performance, Michael Rodriguez and Stefanie Boyer
Artificial Intelligence and the Sales Process: How to Help Sales Students Develop an Analytics Skill Set, Michael Rodriguez and Stefanie L. Boyer
A Cross-cultural Study on the Effect of Causes of Need in Charity, Joonyong Seo and Sukki Yoon
The Influence of Humor Appeal in Luxury Advertising, Hyunju Shin, Sukki Yoon, and Kacy Kim
Comedic violence in advertising: cultural third-person effects among U.S., Korean, and Croatian consumers, Hye Jin Yoon, Sukki Yoon, Srdan Zdravkovic, Ivana Kursan Milakovic, Dario Miocevic, and Yung Kyun Choi
Slow versus fast: how speed-induced construal affects perceptions of advertising messages, Sukki Yoon, Hyejin Bang, Dongwon Choi, and Kacy Kim
Culture and Health Persuasion: Differences between Koreans and Americans, Sukki Yoon, Ashok K. Lalwani, Patrick T. Vargas, Kacy Kim, and Charles R. Taylor
Vicarious animosity: Taking sides on provocative issues, Srdan Zdravkovic, Peter Magnusson, Dario Miocevic, and Standford A. Westjohn
Unpacking the relationship between social media marketing and brand equity: The mediating role of consumers’ benefits and experience, Lamberto Zollo, Raffaele Filieri, Riccardo Rialti, and Sukki Yoon
Manuscripts from 2019
The Need for Digital Workplace: Increasing Workforce Productivity in the Information Age, Mohsen Attaran, Sharmin Attaran, and Diane Kirkland
Technology and Organizational Change: harnessing the power of digital workplace, Moshen Attaran, Sharmin Attaran, and Diane Kirkland
Savoring the Product: a Look at the Impact of AI on Pre and Post Purchase Satisfaction, Sharmin Attaran, Moshen Attaran, and Diane Kirkland
Social Exlcusion Influences on the Effectiveness of Altruistic Versus Egoistic Appeals in Charitable Advertising, Tae Hyun Baek, Sukki Yoon, Seeun Kim, and Yeonshin Kim
Text versus pictures in advertising: effects of psychological distance and product type, Yung Kyun Choi, Sukki Yoon, Kacy Kim, and Yeonshin Kim
Divergent Effects of Friend Recommendations on Disclosed Social Media Advertising in the United States and Korea, Amy Errmann, Yuri Seo, Yung Kyun Choi, and Sukki Yoon
2019: The Year of Supply Chains Living Dangerously, Michael Gravier
Don’t Work the Good Horse to Death, Michael Gravier
Leadership and the Democratization of Supply Chains, Michael Gravier
Of Telegraphs and Blockchains, Michael Gravier
Risks and Opportunities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Michael Gravier
Supply Chain Management Has Changed the World Economy, Michael Gravier
Supply Chain Opportunity Costs about to Explode, Michael Gravier
Supply Chain Talent: A Thousand Ways to Do What You’re Told, Michael Gravier
Supply Chain Visibility Has a Problem, Michael Gravier
Technology is Supply Chain’s Greatest Threat”. Supply Chain Management Review, Michael Gravier
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Some Supply Chain Managers Just Don’t Get It, Michael Gravier
Wisdom Comes from the Young, Michael Gravier
The Knowledge Application and Utilization Framework Applied to Defense COTS: A Research Synthesis for Outsourced Innovation, Michael Gravier and Timothy Hawkins
Is that coffee mug smiling at me? How anthropomorphism impacts the effectiveness of desirability vs. feasibility appeals in sustainability advertising, Nah Ray Han, Tae Hyun Baek, Sukki Yoon, and Yeonshin Kim
Branded Entertainment: gender differences in reactions to star ratings, Kacy Kim, Chanmo Park, Sukki Yoon, Yong Kyun Choi, Sangdo Oh, and Jooyoung Lee
“In-depth” incidental exposure: How processing difficulty and processing style affect evaluations of transparent overlay images, Sangdo Oh, Sukki Yoon, and Patrick Vargas
Consumer Perceptions of Brand Mention in Magazines by Level of Involvement, Charles J. Quigley, Sharmin Attaran, and Elaine M. Notarantonio
Managing the Next Generation of Sales, Gen Z/Millennial Cusp: An Exploration of Grit, Entrepreneurship, and Loyalty, Michael Rodriguez, Stefanie L. Boyer, David Fleming, and Scott Cohen
Red Sox versus Yankees: Sports Team Rivalry, Sports Symbols, and Distance Performance, Sukki Yoon, Kacy Kim, A. J. Beltis, John Logan, and Gayatri Subramanian
Active Bidder versus Smart Bidders: do participation intensity and shopping goals affect the winner's joy in online bidding?, Sukki Yoon, Kacy Kim, Michael Gravier, and Sangdo Oh
Dollar-Off or Percent-Off? Discount Framing, Construal Levels, and Advertising Appeals, Sukki Yoon, Kacy Kim, Sujin Kim, and Gabrielle Corner
Matieralism or Morality in Social Media, which Matters Most? Insights from Millennials Luxury Consumption, Sukki Yoon, Virginia Vannucci, Lamberto Zollo, and Riccardo Rialti
Manuscripts from 2018
Feasibility of Warehouse Drone Adoption and Implementation, Edward Companik, Michael J. Gravier, and M. Theodore Farris II
An Immigrant’s Advice for College Graduates, Michael Gravier
Global Supply Chains Depend on People, Michael Gravier
Infrastructure Fix Requires Innovating Our Regulatory Approach, Michael Gravier
Supply Chain Managers Shape the World, Michael Gravier
Tariffs Won’t Deter Industry 4.0, Michael Gravier
The Half-Life of Supply Chain Knowledge, Michael Gravier
Unprecedented Supply Chain Opportunities in the Gulf, But First, the Blockade Must End, Michael Gravier
The Competitive Advantages of the Digital Economy Require a Digital Mentality, Michael Gravier, Christopher Roethlein, and John Visich
Socio-Economic Sourcing: Benefits of Small Business Set-Asides in Public Procurement, Timothy G. Hawkins, Michael J. Gravier, and Wesley S. Randall
The effects of eWOM volume and valence on product sales – an empirical examination of the movie industry, Kacy Kim, Sukki Yoon, and Yung Kyun Choi
How Liberals and Conservatives Respond to Equality-Based and Proportionality-Based Rewards in Charity Advertising, Younghwa Lee, Sukki Yoon, Young Woo Lee, and Marla B. Royne
Why a hierarchy-of-effects model is still the best approach to managing and optimizing the impact of corporate social responsibility strategies, Keith B. Murray
Narrative Transportation and Paratextual Features of Social Media in Viral Advertising, Yuri Seo, Xiaozhu Li, Yung Choi, and Sukki Yoon
Matching Luxury Brand Appeals with Attitude Functions on Social Media Across Cultures, Sukki Yoon, Yung Kyun Choi, Yuri Seo, and Udo Wagner